Jämtland County has a strong tradition and large production of locally processed food.
This is actually the region within the European Union with the largest number of organic producers.
The production is based on traditional processes and includes hundreds of manufacturers within all kinds of food processing. The best known may be the cheese processing, often based on goat’s milk. We have also various bakeries producing the traditional thin unleavened bread, charcuteries such as smoked, cured or in other ways preserved meat of reindeer, elk and other venison, fish and game. There are many producers of jam, juices and other berry products.
This is actually the region within the European Union with the largest number of organic producers.
The production is based on traditional processes and includes hundreds of manufacturers within all kinds of food processing. The best known may be the cheese processing, often based on goat’s milk. We have also various bakeries producing the traditional thin unleavened bread, charcuteries such as smoked, cured or in other ways preserved meat of reindeer, elk and other venison, fish and game. There are many producers of jam, juices and other berry products.
The quality of the locally produced food products is singularly high; not only because of the manufacturing processes that have evolved over many centuries but also because of the uncontaminated pastures rich in herbs, the clean water, generally favourable environmental conditions and the committed and skilled producers.
Matakademien i Jämtland Härjedalen is a non-profit association engaged in the information and development of our locally produced food. Partnering with Food of Jamtland we have designed this web site where you can find information about our delicious food and find your way to the various farm shops to visit.
Bon appétit!
Matakademien i Jämtland Härjedalen is a non-profit association engaged in the information and development of our locally produced food. Partnering with Food of Jamtland we have designed this web site where you can find information about our delicious food and find your way to the various farm shops to visit.
Bon appétit!
Åsbergets Getgård. Cheese. Bräcke
Bränna Getgård. Cheese. Valsjöbyn
Skärvången, Cheese. Skärvångens By
Ås Trädgård. Fruit, vegetables, cheese, bread, and more. Ås
Huså Bröd. Bread, Huså
Astors Viltfram. Charcuteries. Funäsdalen
Börtnans Rökeri. Smoked fish Börtnan.
JämtRök. Fish, bread and meat. Frösön
Lanttanten. Lamb and berry products. Hovermo.
Bränna Getgård. Cheese. Valsjöbyn
Skärvången, Cheese. Skärvångens By
Ås Trädgård. Fruit, vegetables, cheese, bread, and more. Ås
Huså Bröd. Bread, Huså
Astors Viltfram. Charcuteries. Funäsdalen
Börtnans Rökeri. Smoked fish Börtnan.
JämtRök. Fish, bread and meat. Frösön
Lanttanten. Lamb and berry products. Hovermo.
Åre Chokladfabrik, Chocolates. Åre
Åre Fisk o Rökeri, Smoked fish. Järpen
Slåttsjöns Gårdsprodukter. Charcuteries. Sveg
Thomassons. Reindeer, venison etc. Mittådalen
(shop in Funäsdalen)
Bruksvallarnas Rökeri. Fish and reindeer etc. Bruksvallarna
Åre Fisk o Rökeri, Smoked fish. Järpen
Slåttsjöns Gårdsprodukter. Charcuteries. Sveg
Thomassons. Reindeer, venison etc. Mittådalen
(shop in Funäsdalen)
Bruksvallarnas Rökeri. Fish and reindeer etc. Bruksvallarna
For more information please contact foodofjamtland, +46 63 - 57 94 50